My god! What have I done?

An orgy of absurdism, irony, and satire, sprinkled liberally with smug insanity.

And you may ask yourself "How did I get here?"

Thursday, January 17, 2013

An Apathist's Manifesto

Due to recent events (whatever those happen to be) I find myself compelled to write about a subject which holds a great deal of significance to me. Namely: apathy. Of late, I have found my apathy to be challenged, mocked, and generally misunderstood. I feel the need to speak for a small and completely silent minority, who have been marginalized for far to long. I refer, of course, to apathists.

Another mammal not thinking about Paris Hilton
Yes, I am a a proud and unapologetic apathist. Now, some of you may be thinking "WTF is she talking about? I've never heard of an apathist." Well thought, my friends. It is highly likely that you haven't heard of apathists, as it is a word I just recently created (unless someone else created it...I haven't actually looked it up). "I see," you may be thinking, "If such a group exists, why are you the first person to give them this label?" Good question, my dear readers, you are a smart bunch! As you astutely observed, apathists are a group that have been historically overlooked. This is a fact which, while unfortunate, is completely understandable. As a rule, apathists are generally too apathetic to bother inventing such titles. There is little unity amongst apathists.

But I digress. Due to recent events, I find my entire world (see: Facebook news feed) flooded with people who are really invested in said recent events. Either they genuinely care about [insert celebrity death/sex scandal, secularized holiday, conspiracy, sporting event, etc.], or they despise the fact that everyone cares about [insert celebrity death/sex scandal, secularized holiday, conspiracy, sporting event, etc.].

Now, as you clever lot have probably guessed, I find that I don't fit into either of these categories. And that is the apathist's dilemma. We don't care. At all. We don't care if [insert celebrity]'s sex-tape was "accidentally leaked" to the media, but we also don't care if our friends think said sex-tape is the most interesting thing since sliced bread.

Ironically, Sliced Bread's sex tapes were largely ignored

I am not suggesting that apathists are heartless, uncaring drones who will probably go unnoticed during the inevitable robot apocalypse. Quite the opposite. All the apathists I know (all six of them) are loving, engaging, inquisitive individuals who care a great deal about that which directly impacts their lives. What I am saying is that apathists are not necessarily going to invest in "recent events" simply because society is saying they are important.

Perhaps I have been too abstract thus far.

like this, but with less paint
And now that I've filled my pretentious sight-gag quota, I will attempt to give concrete examples of things I don't really care about.

Okay, maybe this is a cheap shot
Yup. That's right. Not a surprise there. I don't know any celebrities, so there is no reason for me to invest myself in them. Sure, there are certain celebrities who possess quite a bit of talent. I appreciate their artistic contributions to the world.

Still...I don't care who they film themselves having sex with (unless it happens to be me), who they marry/divorce, what they wear to the grocery store, or how many kids they crank out.

I understand that people find the death of a celebrity to be very tragic. Some people really are invested in celebrities, so when their favorite musician/actor/princess dies, they become very emotional. I'm not one of those people. I understand that death is sad, especially when someone dies at a young age. I feel sorry for their families, but that is about the extent to which I care.

I am largely unimpressed by elaborate funeral processions crowded by weeping fans who probably spend their free time building shrines in their basements (I guess). Conversely, I am not offended by those people who really do care about the death of [insert dead celebrity]. I can hardly claim to be an arbiter of priorities. I'm an apathist. I most sincerely don't care.

The Holiday Season
Any holiday season, really. It seems that you can't swing a stick around without hitting another holiday. Many people seem to really like holidays. Party supply stores love holidays. "The Holiday Season" which produces a phenomenon called "The Holiday Spirit," fills many people with a general sense of euphoria and goodwill. Or, so I've been told.

The holiday season (which is a euphemism for "I'm to PC to call it Christmas") can have some nasty side-effects.  Some people feel angry, depressed, resentful, and several other negative emotions. The sort of emotions that cause them to say (and I paraphrase): "Fuck Christmas!" Given the expectations and sense of obligation that seems to be tied to the "holiday season" they make a compelling argument.

You thought we forgot, didn't you?
If you love Christmas, great! If it fills you with a homicidal rage...well, not great, but your feelings are equally valid (if you fall into the latter category, please tell me where you plan on being from november-february).

As for me , the holiday season fills me with a vague sense of "meh." What can I say? I'm an apathist.

Other holidays I don't really care about include (but are not limited to):
  • Valentine's day (I'm not a catholic) 
  • St. Patrick's day (I'm still not a catholic) 
  • Cinco de Mayo (which, by the way, is NOT the Mexican independence day) 
  • Easter 
  • Thanksgiving 
  • Canadian Boxing Day (has nothing to do with boxing. or even boxes) 
  • Fête des lumières 
  • April 20th
Establish a National "Let's get Hammered" Day, and then we'll talk.

Something like this


Let's keep it classy, folks
Some people are extremely religious. It's true. I've seen it. Although I am not a religious person myself, I recognize that religious expression can be positive and deeply meaningful (when not being used as a weapon).

Some people absolutely despise religion. I don't blame them. Plenty of negative things have happened in the name of religion. Anti-theism is a valid viewpoint (as long as it isn't being used as a weapon).

Then, because spirituality is complicated, and (ideally) personal, there are all of the perspectives in between. This is actually most people.

I'm an apatheist (a real word!). I don't care. Not even a tiny bit.

  • Shady Conspiracies- They don't make sense to me, but what do I know? Maybe the government really is using nanotechnology to control our minds through our breakfast cereal.
  • Politics- No comment.
  • Any issue I've forgotten- If I can't even remember an issue, it is probably because I don't care. Or I'm developing Alzheimer's. I'd feel more comfortable assuming the former.

After reading all of this (assuming that you DID read all of this), you may be wondering: "What, if anything, do you care about?" Well, first of all, thanks for asking. Despite the fact that I'm infuriatingly neutral on most fronts, there is one thing that I am really and truly passionate about: Apathy.

The Twilight Saga (according to a reader who had Pneumonia. And Percocet.)

Ok, so a while back I read the Twilight series. Yeah, I know, right? I can barely believe it either. But I had pneumonia, a bottle of codine cough syrup, and a month's supply of percocet. Don't judge.

For some reason, I recently decided to see how much of the series I could remember without returning to the source material. Why? I don't know. I'll blame insomnia. Anyways, here goes:

The Twilight Saga

Book 1: Teenagers in love

Bella: Wow, this totally hot guy is really hostile, inconsistent, and displays nothing but hatred toward me. I think I love him.

Edward: Wow, I'm a vampire, and this chick smells really delicious. Rather than drink her blood (since I'm a vampire, and all), I'm going "protect" her by becoming a creepy stalker. I think I love her.

Reader: Ok...?

Edward: You need to do everything I tell you, because I'm a dude and I need to protect you from the world. Also I've been stalking you.

Bella: OMG! That's SOOOOO Romantic! Of course I'll do whatever you tell me despite the fact that we are practically strangers and you never explain anything. This is true love!

Reader: Huh?

Edward: Also, I don't drink human blood. And I sparkle. Let's play baseball.

Audience: WTF??

Evil vampires: Now that we've been briefly introduced in the last quarter of the novel. We REALLY need to track down and torture this specific human for no apparent reason...

Good vampires: Don't. We care about this specific human for no apparent reason...

Edward: I've come up with a very convoluted plan. It mostly reqires Bella doing whatever I say due to some convienent vampire reason.

Good vampires: Great plan! Let's do it.

Meanwhile, in Arizona...

Bella: Hello mommy! My, what big fangs you have...wait...

Evil vampire: I tricked you into coming here, and now I will torture and kill you!


Edward: I'll save you, because we are in love!

Reader: I borrowed this book. Can I still get my money back?

Book 2: Sulking

Edward: I love you so much that I have to leave!

Bella: .......

Jacob: I was introduced in book 1 as a relatively minor character, but I am in love with Bella. Also, I am a werewolf.

Bella: .......

Bella: .......

Bella: .......

Reader: So, when does the plot start?

Edward: For some vague reason I think that Bella has killed herself. Rather than go back and check to see if it's true, I'm going to attempt suicide in italy.

Reader: YES!!!

Bella: NOOOO!!!!

Edward: Oh, hey! You're not dead. My bad. Guess I won't kill myself after all.

Book 3: A love triangle involving Beastialiy and Necrophilia

Edward: Bella! Good news! It turns out that I'm actually in love with you! I may be eighty, but I look nineteen, so it's totally cool for me to date a teenager.

Jacob: Hey, you were gone for like ALL of last book! Back off bro, you lost your chance.

Bella: OMG two totally hot dudes want me! My life is SO HARD

*Dude stuff happens*

Reader: plot?

Plot: Chill the fuck out out, man. I'll show up.

Edward: Pick me!

Jacob: Pick me! Also, vampires are all douchebags. My werewolf pack totally has my back on this.

Bella: What's a girl to do?

Reader: Um...therapy might help.

Plot: Alright, I'm here!

Victoria: Hey, remember me? I showed up briefly in book one and was utterly forgettable. Well, now it turns out that I'm actually really important and evil. And I've created a crazy vampire army to get revenge for some vague reason.

Bella: How very convenient! Now we all have a reason to unite under a common enemy, allowing me an entire book's worth of ambivalence.

Reader: Well...this is slightly better than SkyMall...

Good guys: Yay we won!

Bella: I'm sorry, Jacob. I guess I'm more into dead dudes than furries. I'll still always cherish our friendship.

Jacob: Balls!

Book 4: Why the fuck am I still reading this series?

 Let's get married!

Bella: OK! It's always been my dream, as a strong and independent woman, to marry a rich old dude and live a life of leisure.

Edward: Great! Let's go to my private Island. Now that we're married, I'm totally ready to put out. Because, yeah. I've been a virgin for eighty years.

Bella: Awesome!

*Weird sex is not described*

Edward: Bella, you smell pregnant.

Bella: Well, I guess I'm going to be a teen mom. But that's okay...for some reason...

Unborn child: I love you mommy! I love you so much that I'm going to almost kill you by growing at an abnormal rate!

Bella: Oh, the joys of pregnancy! I think my spine just broke.


*Medical stuff ensues*

Bella: I think my baby just bit my boob.

Edward: Damn, now I have to turn my wife into a vampire to save her life, even though I've been morally opposed to it throughout the entire series!

*Horrible painful transformation into a vampire is described in much greater detail than the awkward sex that got them into this mess*

Bella: Wow! I'm HOT!

Edward's family: Yeah, you are! Also, your freakish baby is a freak. But you can't hold her because we don't trust you.

Bella: But I want to see my baaaby!

Jacob: Hey, I'm back! I'm also in love with your baby, BTW. I hope that doesn't bother you. I promise to wait until she's a teenager.

Bella: Uh...

Edward: Let's forget our baby and have an epic sex marathon which also won't really be described.

Bella: What baby?

Family: While you were having sex which was never really described, your baby started talking, walking, and is currently learning how to be the most impressive being in existence.

Bella: Oh, yeah! THAT baby! Wow, we ROCK as parents, Edward! And I'm still hot and sparkly!

Reader: Just when I thought this protagonist couldn't get any more vapid...

Bella: Whatevs. You're just jealous because I'm hot and immortal. OMG! I have powers or something!

The Volturi: Hey, we're the governing body of the world's vampires! We showed up for a second in book 2, but we were confusing at best. Well, now we're back and we want to kill your baby. For some reason, we think she is a threat to everything and everyone, so we are specifically targeting you.

Bella: But Renesmee (because that's the stupid name I chose) is totally awesome! I don't want you to kill her! I love her in some vague, detached way!

The rest of the vampire world: We'll help protect this one random baby...she's somehow important. Probably to the plot.

The Volturi: Hey, we're here for your baby.

Renesmee: Wait just a fucking minute here! I'm actually pretty awesome, so don't kill me. I'm practically made of magic.

The Volturi: Well, when you put it that way...

Everyone: Yay! The baby lives! This is meaningful to us for a variety of reasons!

Stephanie Meyer: THE END

Reader: Wait...that's it?

Stephanie Meyer: Bitch, did I stutter?

Reader: I'm so glad I'm on drugs right now.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The People's Republic of Walmart

I recently returned from an epic journey to Walmart. A journey full of love, loss, triumph, personal growth, and many other epic nouns. In the process, I learned many important things about modern Americana:

1. Walmart is the new americana.

2. Thomas Kinkade is the new Norman Rockwell.

3. Morbidly obese is the new thin.

4. "Just My Size" is a euphemism, and is nowhere near my size.

5. You can buy ANYTHING at Walmart. Tents, videogames, throw pillows, engagement rings, and an assortment of things which seem to have no practical use whatsoever.
You will never have to talk to your child again.

6. People are willing to pay more for anything that has "advanced microtechnology." You know it's working because you can't see it.

7. People will do pretty much anything to avoid having to walk.

8. Patriotism = nationalism.

9. Openly supporting the current president is unpatriotic.

10. Atheism is unpatriotic.

11. Owning a vagina is unpatriotic.

12. Forgetting which hand to use during the national anthem is unpatriotic (although forgetting the words is okay).

13. Failure to properly display said patriotism is proof that you hate america and are a secret member of Al Qaida.

14. You can purchase all of your patriotic paraphernalia at Walmart.

15. Organic, all-natural products are just...better. Like nightshade
Dying has never been so healthy...
Nightshade: It may kill you, but it's all-natural!

16. Products can be simultaneously new and improved, thus solving the quantum uncertainty. Suck it, Schrödinger!

17. Some bookstores have elevators in case the escalators require too much effort. What are these "stairs" you speak of?

18. Ergonomic things are worth more. Because they are ergonomic. See? It says it right there on the packaging.

19. Vaccinations caused 911.

20. There is a greeting card for EVERYTHING.

So, my fellow Americans, rejoice! A new era is upon us! One that probably has mysterious sociological implications. Sprinkle your bacon-bits of hope, onto the salad of your obsolete  national identity. The world is expanding! There are so many things accessible to you. And above all, you can relax knowing that apple pie is still apple pie.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Insomnia, and why it must be stopped!

It has been quite a while since I've had a decent 

night's sleep. I know...cry me a fucking river. We all have sleep problems. 

An example of a person who is not sleeping

Well, that doesn't make it better. It just means that we are doing something wrong. Not sure what. I have a cousin who blames it on a government conspiracy, but that's pretty much his explanation for everything. So, apart from the military-agricultural-pharmaceutical-industrial-complex, I am at a loss for why no one is able to sleep. Actually, there are quite a few reasons that insomnia is so prevalent, but explaining them all would be exhausting, and I am already tired. In fact I'm only writing this for something to do until the drugs kick in.

One thing I've noticed about insomnia is that it significantly decreases productivity. Today, for example, I stayed in bed and did nothing but try to figure out how to accurately graph the way in which insomnia impacts one's ability to be a worthy member of society. In other words, the chronically sleep-deprived are completely useless.

While I cannot (or rather, don't want to) help, I CAN show you just how much your  lack of sleep is ruining your life. During the past day, I did some exhausting research and came up with some very interesting (see: fabricated)  data. Here are my results:

An actual graph explaining why you are tired an miserable all the time. Can't argue with that.
Yes, my friends. If you are get four hours of sleep, you will only be able to utilize 20% of your productive potential. Scary, huh?

I'd stay away from heavy machinery, if I were you...

Now some of you naysayers may be saying "Nay, there, missie! I doubt the validity of your claim. How do you even define, let alone quantify productivity in this case?" Well, if you are one of those people, I will remind you that you have the choice to say "Nay," elsewhere. We don't need more negative Nancy's here. We're already tired and grumpy. Sure, the definition of "productivity" in this context may be slightly subjective (see: arbitrary), but that doesn't make my results any less valid. In fact I'd say they they are VERY valid, as I used an actual equation to determine this data:

Fancy, right?
See. A very impressive equation which I came up with all on my own without any help from my mother. Do numbers lie? If you have taken inferential statistics, please don't answer that. For those of you who haven't, the answer is: absolutely not!

Just think about that when you are laying in bed at night, wishing you could sleep, or that you had something to do (which didn't involve heavy drinking).

Yes. This IS what I look like.
This graph, and the following equation leads me to a very important point. You are not alone. Tons of people with horrible, crippling, insomnia are just as miserable. Walking around every day, like a really unproductive zombie. Accidentally colliding with the piles of stuff you have been too exhausted to organize.

Still, instead of looking at your insomnia as a handicap, look at it as an opportunity.

Yes, an opportunity to slack off at work/school/home with impunity. If anyone gives you any trouble, just show them this graph. "I'm sorry, professor. I was unable to complete my assignment because I only got four hours of sleep last night. Therefore, I could only work up to 20% capacity." If they are still skeptical, show them the equation*, I like to call the "Integral of a gaussian" (because that's what it's actually called).

So, celebrate your insomnia. Sure, it may fucking suck. It may be slowly draining away your life and sanity. It may even be preventing you from following your dreams. But those are just minor details. Although I can't exactly remember the point I was trying to make, it was deeply profound and moving.

Also, you can blame mathematics for your problem. If it weren't for math, there would be no graphs and equations charting the miserable truth of your life. If there was nothing documenting your living hell, your living hell would cease to exist. Sort of like a "tree falls in the woods" scenario. Don't think about it too hard. This may not help your problem, but at least you can focus your anger on something other than the military-agricultural-pharmaceutical-industrial-complex.

With those thoughts, I bid you adieu. The sleeping pills are starting to kick in, and I am becoming less cogent.

Pleasant dreams, my fellow insomniacs....

Whenever that happens...

*This might not work with anyone involved math, physics, economics, accounting, or statistics. You can probably pull it off with a communications professor.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Job hunting the way nature intended

The Economy...blah blah blah...

My point is this: finding a job fucking sucks. Not just because you are lazy and unmotivated. There really aren't a lot of jobs out there. How many times have you responded to an ad on [insert job-finding site], only to discover that it was filled literally SECONDS before you called? I'm guessing somewhere in the millions. But don't give up, my dear friends. Unemployment is merely a temporary state (unless you die before finding a job) if you are really motivated.

Motivation is a warm gun

So, how does one successfully find employment? The answer to that very thoughtful question lays in my three-step career building program: Free-Range Employment.  This revolutionary system, when followed correctly, will guarantee you a new, more satisfying career.* Because you are all probably too poor to pay for this information, I will be offering it for the low price of: $0

Free-Range Employment.
  1. Find someone who has a job you want, and for which you are qualified. For example, if you have a degree in psychology, look for something related to the field of psychology. Don't waste your time looking at neurosurgeons (unless they are sexy).
  2. Follow him or her around for a month or so. Learn the ins and outs of the job, the lingo, the environment, and the lifestyle said job provides. Remember: It's only stalking if you get caught.
  3. Kill the person you have been following** and immediately send your resume to the deceased's employer. This gives you an edge, as you will be the first to know that this position has become vacant. Additionally, you will already know enough about the job to totally ace the interview.
Happy hunting!

* This is actually a lie
** Make sure to properly dispose of the body. Being charged with murder is almost always grounds for termination.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The REAL Story of Hanukkah (or however you spell it)

I know it was like three months ago, but it seems that there are quite a few people who don't know the story of Hanukkah, or who don't understand its true meaning: Guilt. No, not gelt. Real honest-to-God guilt (employed by five out of four Jewish mothers across the world). So, here we go, ladies and gents (pun intended):

Added to make this story more believable
Many years ago, in a distant land (I don't know where, so I'll just say New Jersey), an evil Roman emperor named Antiochus IV Decided to repress the Jews of New Jersey. He did this by killing them, and, even worse, forcing them to stand on long lines at the grocery store listening to christmas-themed muzak. Now, the Jews didn't like this, because they liked being alive, and hated Muzak (they would have much rather listened to Barbra Streisand). Finally, when the Jews got tired of dying and having horrible headaches, they decided to do something about it. From among the kvetching throng, rose a man destined to become a great champion of the israelites: Mel Brooks. Unfortunately, he would not be born for another couple thousand years.

Instead, they  settled for Judah Maccabee; a nationalist, and all around mensch.

Judah rallied the Jews together with promises of safety, freedom, and bagels and lox in the conference tent. Young mr. Maccabee formed a group of rebels creatively named: The Maccabees (they could always form a kickass punk-rock band if the whole rebellion thing didn't pan out).

Now, these rebels had a lot of chutzpah, but very little experience rebelling. This was a problem. Night after night, they argued in Judah's tent, bickering endlessly about their official battle cry, and the font to be used in their monthly newsletters (Papyrus was, unfortunately, en vogue at the time).
After three months of senseless debate, Isaac Goldenbaum had a brilliant idea. "Let's take over the American film industry and make movies such as Fiddler on the Roof that show the Jewish faith in a positive light!" Everyone rejoiced at this idea until they realized that they had no idea what Isaac was talking about.

It was at this moment that Judah's mother, Helen Maccabee, entered their super-secret meeting tent with a tray of latkes ("I don't want you should starve!"). At this moment, someone (we will say it was Judah, to make him seem more heroic) came up with a brilliant idea: Use the latkes! "Latkes," He explained "Are 75% oil. They are the most flammable food in the world. If you light them on fire they are ten times more deadly than a plane full of napalm." Once again, everyone rejoiced, and drank manishevitz, and rejoiced even harder.

An ancient poster depicting the beverage of choice

Unfortunately, the Romans learned of their brilliant plan, and destroyed almost all of Helen's cooking oil. In the end, they were left with only enough oil to make one batch of latkes. Disillusioned, and disheartened, the Maccabees were all but ready to give up and move to Boca Raton. Helen, however, was not to be deterred. Taking off her oven mitts, Mrs. Maccabee marched over to the temple. "God," she shouted "Why don't you come around anymore? What are we, chopped liver?"

With that, a miracle occurred. The oil, although small in volume, was suddenly enough to make 8 batches of Latkes! The Maccabees would finally be able to take on the Romans.

Marching into battle, the brave rebels hurled their fiery cuisine with grace and skill of Sandy Koufax. The Romans were completely demolished.

Historical Reenactment 

 As Rome's Best tried to regroup, Helen ambushed them from behind. Shaking her head, she shouted "Are you just going to leave those perfectly good latkes uneaten? I just spent the entire weekend cooking these for you, and this is how they're treated? Well, don't worry about it. I didn't expect to be appreciated anyways. You know, there are children starving in china who would love to eat something like that. Still, if you can sleep at night knowing that you are throwing away the lives of children..."

Stricken with guilt, the Roman soldiers retreated, never to be seen again. Ever.


When was this made? Where does it go?

I have this weird obsession with old stuff. Things that are defunct and no longer of use to anyone. I wonder what that means...

Anyways, I was going to write something completely different, but I'm not in the mood.

So, any worthwhile expository writing will have to wait.